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Envision Change, Anxiety, Stress management, Music performance anxiety, Stage fright, Online therapy UK, Low self esteem, Depression, Hypnotherapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy, about hypnotherapy, hypnotherapy Sintra Portugal, Hypnotherapy Cascais Portugal, Find a therapist, hypnotherapy session, counselling and therapy, Find a therapist Sintra Portugal, Find a therapist Cascais Portugal, Mental health support, book a counsellor, counseling and mental health, counselling now, Therapy for musicians, health counsellor, mental and health counselling, Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, Managing stress, Mental health support Sintra Portugal, Mental health support Cascais Portugal, Therapy for expats Sintra Portugal, Counselling for expats Portugal, Therapy for expats Cascais Portugal, Counselling for expats Cascais Portugal, Performance enhancement, Music performance enhancement, Mindfulness, Low confidence, How to be confident, Improve self esteem, Therapy for expats, Counselling for expats,

Phobias & Fears

A phobia is an intense fear or reaction to certain objects or situations. They can lead to distress and inconvenience in daily life and  avoidance of places or situations.

This fear response is meant to protect us and keep us safe. However a lot of phobias are caused by things that are unlikely to pose a threat to us. An overactive fear response to these situations can be harmful to our emotional, social  and  physical well-being

Common categories of phobias include

Fear of animals ( spiders, dogs, insects) 
Fear of the environment (heights, darkness, thunder) 
Fears of situations & objects ( flying, driving, elevators) 
Other fears include: 
Social situations
Meeting new people
Public speaking
Being disliked
Not being perfect

Hypnotherapy and behaviour therapy can help you overcome the fears and develop:
A plan to overcome the fears
Increased self awareness
Improved coping skills
Improved self-control and confidence
During the sessions we will
Understand the origin of your fear or phobia
Create helpful coping skills to use when facing your fear
Create a “fear hierarchy” break down your fear into small parts
Create a plan for you face your fear in real life, at your pace
Use hypnosis to mentally rehearse exposure to the fear 
Develop your self control and confidence

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